Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Ground Water Cycle

To most people, groundwater is never really thought of. Out of sight, out of mind, some might say. But ground water actually has a major impact on how we live.

(Picture from -
Ground water is exactly what is says; water that is in the ground. Whenever it rains or large amounts of snow melt, the water goes to different places. Some of it goes into lakes and rivers or is recycled into the atmosphere. The rest though, is absorbed by the ground, a process known as recharging. The water is stored in the aquifer, which is like a large tunnel system underground just for the groundwater. From there, some is accessed by many farmers for irrigating crops through pipes deep in the ground or sometimes by a well. Other parts flow out of the ground, creating freshwater springs that form lakes or create rivers. The release of the groundwater above ground is the discharge.

Besides creating waterways though, it affects our everyday life.


*Click on each one to learn more*


Polluted Water


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